HOW Newcastle Careers Team can help you…

Newcastle Careers team offer Careers Advice to all young people with SEND up to the age of 19. For those with Education, Health and Care Plans we can offer advice and guidance up to the age of 25 if you are looking at education, training or employment options.

To contact us, or to book an appointment with us – please go to our contact page to see the various locations where are service is offered.

To find out about the wider support offer to those with SEND – please visit the Local Offer which can be found here.

Please watch the video below to learn more about the options available after year 11 and where to go to get further advice.

Exploring Post 16 SEND Options

There is no right or wrong path to reach your goal!

Graphic depicting various pathways to employment from school, including volunteering, traineeships, study programs, further education, supported employment, apprenticeships, internships, vocational qualifications, and higher education, leading to employment.